Winter Hiking
One of the best times to hike is during the winter. Sure it is cold out there but you will see things you won’t likely see any other time of year. When the leaves fall from the trees it opens up a whole new world to the hiker’s eyes. You will experience vistas you will never get in the summer and you may see wildlife that isn’t here during the rest of the year too.
There are several things to consider when hiking in the winter. First is keeping warm. You want to be able to enjoy your time in the woods and getting cold is not enjoyable. Another thing to consider is protection from the elements. Even though it is cold out you still need to consider the sun. If there is snow the reflected sunlight can be blinding. You could also get some sunburn on exposed areas. It is often windy in the winter so you need to think about that too. Be sure to protect your skin from the wind. Use lip balm and lotions to protect your skin. Another thing many people don’t think about in the winter is dehydration. You still need water even though it isn’t 100 degrees out there. Be sure to have plenty of good water along for any hike.

Frozen Pine Sapling
First thing any winter hiker needs to consider, other than safety of course, is how to stay warm. I know many people make the mistake of wearing too much or too little when hiking. Don’t depend on the body heat you generate while moving down the trail to keep you warm. That body heat can be a blessing or a curse depending on how you are dressed. The best thing to do is dress in several layers. You should be able to add or remove layers as you get cold or hot. Nothing is worse than getting to hot and soaking your clothes with sweat and later freezing because of it. That is why layering is so important! Also be sure to consider what types of material you layer with. Cotton is great in the summer but it is not the best fabric for the colder times of the year. Consider synthetic fabrics designed for cold weather or the old standby, wool. You should use a layer close to the body that wicks away moisture to keep you dry and comfortable. If it is windy or raining then be sure to use a windproof and waterproof outer layer. You also want to consider packing extra socks and saving space in your pack for storing extra layers of clothing just in case you do get wet. Moisture is the real enemy in the winter. If you stay dry you can stay reasonably warm even if you don’t have enough layers. Moisture next to the body increases the loss of heat during the winter. It is important to keep your skin and the clothes closest to it dry.
Consider your feet, hands, and head when dressing for cold weather. Most of the heat loss from your body goes out your head. There are a lot of blood vessels close to the surface of the skin on your head and face and this is why that part of the body looses so much heat. It is a good idea to wear some type of cap or hat that will completely cover your head and ears. If it is really cold then a face mask or scarf should be used to cover your face to minimize heat loss. Insulated boots are a good idea in the winter but don’t forget to wear good socks. Wool is by far the best here. If wool is too itchy for you then get some liner socks to wear between your skin and the wool. Avoid cotton here as well. Your feet are going to sweat and once your cotton socks get wet then you will soon be miserable. Wool retains much of its insulating properties even when wet but cotton does not. Synthetic materials might be a good choice if you don’t tolerate wool well. Use the same materials when covering your hands.
Moutain Vista at Winding Stair
Winter activities require more energy to perform so you need to think about fueling your body according to what you will be doing. Even sitting still in the winter requires more energy because your body needs to work harder to stay warm. One way to battle this energy loss is to eat a good breakfast before heading out on the trail. Be sure to eat things that are going to keep you energized through the day. Pack high energy snacks to eat on the trail. Energy bars, nuts, peanut butter, and trail mix are all good options. Keep plenty of water and take a thermos of coffee or hot chocolate to warm up with while on the trail.
Winter is a great time to get out and hike. You will see a lot of things that you won’t get a chance to experience any other time of year and there is a special kind of beauty that is only available in the winter. If you prepare for winter hiking and dress accordingly then you can have a great time outdoors no matter how cold it is.
Snowy Dogwood
Photos and text by Will Pumphrey.
Great article!!! Lots of really helpful information in there. What would you consider the best place to hike in the winter?
ReplyDeleteWell there are a lot of great places to hike in the winter. Seven hollows trail is great and so is the trail that goes to winding stair. The Ouachita National Recreation trail has some great vistas that you can only see when the leaves are gone. You can see a lot farther through the woods in the winter so any trail that might give you some good views that you wouldn't see in the summer would be great. Another great place is Alum Cove and Roundtop Moutain up near Jasper.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your blog, and a great story. I have added a link to my blog so others can find yours!
ReplyDeleteThanks Will for posting your blog info. I have made a link on mine to allow others to find yours also. Thanks for posting some really good info on winter hiking. I'm looking forward to more posts from you in the future.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys. I think the next article will be on hiking and geocaching with kids. Thanks for the links too!